
为什么我的 ExecutorService 中的多个线程尝试处理同一任务? [关闭]

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I wrote a class to asynchronously process tasks in java from a table in my database called task. I want to use multiple threads to each process a different row in the database. The problem I'm having is that multiple threads are trying to process the same task. Each thread should only ever be trying to process one unique task. I'm a bit of a concurrency novice so would appreciate some better understanding.

Here's the async task processor.

public class AsyncTaskProcessor implements Trigger, Runnable, ErrorHandler {

    private TaskProcessor taskProcessor;

    private TaskDao taskDao;

    private boolean lastRunHadTask = false;

    public void run() {
        var optTask = taskDao.findNextUnprocessed();
        if (optTask.isPresent()) {
            var task = optTask.get();
            log.info("Processing task... taskId: {}", task.getId());
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Error processing task... taskId: {}", task.getId(), e);
                // handle exception
        lastRunHadTask = optTask.isPresent();

And I submit tasks to it by creating a new task in my database. Here's the taskProcessor.process() from the run() of the previous code snippet.

public class TaskProcessor {

    private TaskDao taskDao;

    private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
    void process(Task task) {
        if (task.getType().equals(Task.Type.FOO.nameLowerCase())) {
            executorService.submit(() -> {
                // process task
                // update task in db

What's going on here that's causing multiple threads to try and process the same task?
