
application.properties 値は Java テストでは読み取られません

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I have the following service, where I use the properties of my application.properties file:

public class TesoSunSystemsServiceImpl implements TesoSunSystemsService {       
    private String proxySesame;
    private Integer proxyPortSesame;
    private String usuario;
    private String contrasenia;             
    public String obtenerToken() throws Exception {
        String body = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"web=\"/\">\r\n" +
                    "   <soapenv:Body>\r\n" +
                    "      <web:SecurityProviderAuthenticateRequest>\r\n" +
                    "         <web:name>" + usuario + "</web:name>\r\n" +
                    "         <web:password>" + contrasenia + "</web:password>\r\n" +
                    "      </web:SecurityProviderAuthenticateRequest>\r\n" +
                    "   </soapenv:Body>\r\n" +
        // Realiza la conexión al servicio SOAP
        Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxySesame, proxyPortSesame));

I have my next test that proves that method :

public class TesoSunSystemsServiceImplTest {    
    private TesoSunSystemsServiceImpl tesoSunSystemsServiceImpl;
    void testGenerarFacturas(){
        String Token = asfsaasfTokenTest;
        String response = tesoSunSystemsServiceImpl.obtenerToken();
        //Mas consideraciones, implementaciones, etc  
  • My question is, when I run my application, this makes use of the properties of the properties without any problem, but when I run the test errors appear as the test properties are not read and therefore to run the method with properties in null, this fails, how can I do for my service to read the properties of the properties when running the tests?

I would appreciate if you could give me some idea of how to proceed, greetings and thanks in advance.
