
選択クエリの結果をまとめて HashMap にプロジェクトする

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// input: list of local date array where first element is start date and second element is end date
// output: LicenseConsumption model object
public LicenseConsumption getLicenseConsumption(Map<String, LocalDate[]> dateRanges, String productId) {
    Parameters params = Parameters.with("productId", productId);
    StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    queryBuilder.append("SELECT ");
    // Dynamically construct the select clause
    int index = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String, LocalDate[]> entry : dateRanges.entrySet()) {
        LocalDate startDate = entry.getValue()[0];
        LocalDate endDate = entry.getValue()[1];
        params.and("startDate" + index, startDate);
        params.and("endDate" + index, endDate);
        queryBuilder.append("COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN latest_eu_date >= :startDate").append(index)
                    .append(" AND latest_eu_date < :endDate").append(index).append(" THEN el.employee.id END) AS ")
        if (index < dateRanges.size() - 1) {
            queryBuilder.append(", ");
    queryBuilder.append(" FROM LicenseEntity l ");
    queryBuilder.append("LEFT JOIN EmployeeLicenseEntity el ON el.product.id = l.product.id ");
    queryBuilder.append("LEFT JOIN ( ");
    queryBuilder.append("   SELECT eu.employee.id AS employeeId, eu.product.id AS productId, MAX(eu.date) AS latest_eu_date ");
    queryBuilder.append("   FROM EmployeeUsageEntity eu ");
    queryBuilder.append("   GROUP BY eu.employee.id, eu.product.id ");
    queryBuilder.append(") AS latest_eu ON latest_eu.productId = el.product.id AND latest_eu.employeeId = el.employee.id ");
    queryBuilder.append("WHERE l.product.id = :productId ");
    queryBuilder.append("GROUP BY l.product.id");

    // Execute the query and get the result as Object array
    PanacheQuery<LicenseConsumption> result = find(queryBuilder.toString(), params).firstResult();

    // Construct the LicenseConsumption object
    LicenseConsumption licenseConsumption = new LicenseConsumption();
    // Populate consumptionRanges map from the result
    Map<String, Integer> consumptionRanges = new HashMap<>();

    return licenseConsumption;

ここの決めは正しいです。すでにチェックしてました。結果セットには複数の列を含めることができます。動的配置によって異なりますが、100 または 1 の場合があります。結果を HashMap<String 、整数> に投影したらどうすればよいですか? string は列の名前、Integer はレコード結果が 1 しかない場合の値です。

